NSL Checking provides organisations in both the public and the private sectors with a one-stop solution for:
- Identity document validation
- Right to work verification
- Criminal record checking
- Background screening services
Currently supporting local authorities, the NHS and national retail chains across the UK and the Republic of Ireland, we provide unmatched levels of service and support.
The Home Office has released details of its proposed rule changes from 1 July 2021. There have been some changes to the acceptable documents for proving a right to take up work in the UK. Find out more by downloading our quick guide.
Identity document validation
Keesing Technologies is the world’s leading provider of identity document validation systems. As the sole provider of Keesing products within the UK and the Republic of Ireland, we offer a range of services including simple visual check systems, mobile checking systems and bespoke desktop document scanning systems.
Right to work verification
Verifying whether an existing or prospective employee on a time-limited visa has a right to take up work in the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland can be a complicated and time consuming task. We provide an efficient solution with trained and experienced vetting officers and a simple to use applicant on-boarding system. It integrates with existing applicant tracking and on-boarding systems to ensure that right to work issues can be expertly managed.
Criminal record and background screening checks
With an online portal providing access to the UK’s criminal record database organisations, NSL provides electronic resources to speed up submission times and track the checking progress. Criminal record checking can be undertaken at all levels, from basic to enhanced, through all government security levels.
Background screening services include references, financial, employment and educational qualification checks. Specific packages for the financial services and security sectors are also available.