Organisations must now offer far greater choice in the way that customers can connect with them. People now expect to be able communicate when they want to using their preferred method of contact (PMOC).
Marston Holdings has made significant investments in the in-house development of channel shift solutions in partnership with best of breed technology suppliers. What makes us different is that we are not just a hardware or software supplier – we use these technologies to run our own operations on a day to day basis. This enables us to provide client-focused solutions that reduce costs and ensure the delivery of efficient and accessible services.
We are experts in the design of solutions that solve specific operational challenges. Our channel shift solutions can encompass any of the following technologies:
• Online portals offering self-serve, automated assistance and web chat options
• Automated processing including payments, correspondence, progress updates, call backs, appeals and FAQs
• Telephone/Interactive voice response (IVR)
• Smartphone App
• Social media
• Email, including structured and unstructured
• Post
Customer app
Developed in-house for use by our debt recovery business, the Marston app complements our service and provides people with an opportunity to view payment options and select the most appropriate plan. Importantly, it meets the needs of customers that don’t want to speak to anybody when dealing with their debt and would prefer to interact with the service in private. The app also enables customers to seek help and have their questions answered around the clock.
Client benefits:
• Provides customers with greater choice and flexibility by enabling their preferred method of contact.
• Reduces service delivery costs.
• Allows extended hours of operation.
• Gives greater accessibility to customers of different ages, abilities and language.
• Enhances security by pre-screening callers to authenticate their identities.
• Improves the management of peak periods by smoothing call flows.
• Enables blending of inbound/outbound operations.
Customer benefits:
• Allows people to view visual evidence their cases, such as parking or moving traffic offences committed.
• Makes it easier to appeal online and submit evidence.
• Online payment options encourage people to pay within discounted rate periods.
• Agents have access to all relevant case notes to improve effectiveness of contacts.