Effective enforcement against foreign registered vehicles (FRVs) making short visits to the UK has always presented challenges. Many penalty charge notices are simply being written off by local authorities as it is often impossible to trace the owners of FRVs. Even when they can be traced, there is no legal process by which they can be made to pay civil penalties.
NSL can provide clients with a full European debt recovery service utilising the capabilities of ParkTrade, a Swedish technology company that is part of Marston Holdings. We can access European vehicle registration databases on behalf of clients to identify and process all contraventions by FRVs as well as providing debt recovery services across Europe. Our multilingual staff can translate notices into any European language and we have banking facilities throughout Europe. As well as protecting revenue for local authorities, this service sends out a message to foreign and UK drivers alike that the rules apply to everyone.
ParkTrade has also developed systems that make it easier for local authorities to manage road tolls (EPASS24.com) and parking charges (ParkiaPay.com). The company is ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certified, operates in compliance with GDPR and has established access to many national Vehicle Licencing Agencies (VLAs).
System functionality includes:
- Identification of vehicle owners based on VRM
- Sending out notification letters and additional recovery services on a pan European basis
- Multilingual customer support services
- Processing of incoming and outgoing payments in local currencies
- Provision of dedicated or white labelled account handling and automated subscription solutions, payments and electronic invoices
- International Debt Collection
- Integration (via APIs) with vehicle registers, roadside data systems such as ANPR, data warehousing, BI applications, finance and operations environments and external back-office systems.