Scott & Co, a Marston Holdings company, is the largest provider of diligence and citation services in Scotland as well as being the country’s largest employer of Sheriff Officers and Messengers-at-Arms. Our Officers hold Court Commissions to operate in every Sheriffdom and Sheriff Court District. These services are delivered from six operational hubs covering all six Sheriffdoms in Scotland.
Scott & Co is also the largest provider of debt collection and Sheriff Officers services to Scottish local authorities and services all income streams in step with their corporate debt policies. First and foremost, these services are community-based with the company acting as the agent of local authority clients in all aspects of their delivery.
The company’s culture sponsors policies and strategies which are fair, ethical, proportionate, compliant and entirely consistent with local authority client’s expectations of a Sheriff Officer partner. Scott & Co understands that customers must be treated fairly at all times and are provided with appropriate assistance as dictated by circumstances in line with the corporate policies of clients.
We support the government, utilities and private sectors through the delivery of market leading integrated technology-enabled solutions from design and implementation to management and recovery
We take seriously our responsibility to the groups and individuals affected by what we do as well as the communities in which we work. Our ethical practices have won numerous awards and accreditations
Marston - 24-hour automated payment line
Speak to Marston team to make a payment or to discuss your circumstances
Our opening hours are 8 AM to 8 PM Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 4 PM on Saturdays.
It is always quicker and easier to contact us by phone or email. If you do need to send us anything in the post, please send it to:
To pay by post, send a postal order, cheque or banker’s draft, made payable to ‘Marston’ to the address above. Make sure that you write your name and our reference number on anything you send us and if sending us a payment, on the back of the postal order, cheque or banker’s draft so we know what the payment is for.
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Business enquiries
Media enquiries
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Use our online form and a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible.
Use our online form and a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible.
Use our online form and a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible.
Use our online form and a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible.
Use our online form and a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible.
Use our online form and a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible.
Business enquiries
Use our online form and a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible.
Business enquiries
Use our online form and a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible.
Business enquiries
Use our online form and a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible.
Use our online form and a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible.
Use our online form and a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible.
Use our online form and a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible.