Project Centre delivered a public realm strategy for the Worthing Borough Council, to enhance sustainable connectivity and celebrate the local heritage.
A poor sense of place and a high number of vehicles on streets dominated Worthing’s town centre. Our designs transformed this hostile environment into a lively and vibrant urban space, creating a walkable and welcoming town centre.
Our public realm strategy
We worked collaboratively with the client and stakeholders to identify three key interventions in the area. Our public realm strategy helped by:
- creating a legible pedestrian and cycle route from the station to the seafront
- providing a secondary route to connect landmarks, open spaces and active ground floor
- enhancing the attractiveness as well as the sustainability of public space’s key nodes along the route

Our design helped the Council to provide a renewed sense of identity for Worthing’s town centre. We improved cycling and walking infrastructure, and therefore encouraged active travel. We made the space more sustainable and attractive, installing planting and using recycled materials for seating areas and cycle stands. Our multidisciplinary team also installed sustainable drainage systems, to avoid the risks of flooding.
By all means, our public realm strategy improved the urban space and the health and safety of the people. The community started living in the area again, which reshaped the strong identity of the coastal destination as well as reduced carbon emissions.