Brighton and Hove City Council (BHCC) appointed Project Centre to develop the Phase 4 design of the seafront redevelopment at Kings Roach Arches. The tenanted structure houses numerous businesses and supports the Upper Promenade A259 footway and Grade II listed pedestrian barriers. The arches are deteriorating and have a limited load capacity. The goal is to improve the load-carrying capacity of the structure whilst retaining its historic character and enhancing the interior tenanted spaces.
BHCC is a Unitary Authority and Highway Authority for its non-trunk roads. They have a duty to maintain public roads and ensure they are safe for normal traffic. The roof slabs of the existing arch-fronted structure are incapable of supporting normal traffic accidental vehicle loads and require strengthening. The upper promenade is heavily used by pedestrians and cyclists and is immediately adjacent to the A259 Kings Road, the primary east-west route through Brighton. The structure accommodates shops, cafes, and stores whose operations would be majorly disrupted by any refurbishment works.
Project Centre’s scope included the structural, highway, public realm, architectural, mechanical & electrical (M&E) RIBA stage 3 and 4 design for the refurbishment. This includes obtaining planning approval, building control approval, listed building consent, and highway structure technical approval.
Engaging stakeholders
The broad scope and multiple stakeholder interfaces presented several project risks. Project Centre engaged with BHCC and other key stakeholders to determine the main scheme objectives including aesthetics, maximising marketable retail space, and reducing impacts to businesses and the public.
Using this, Project Centre developed a detailed project execution plan to establish a consistent delivery process and stakeholder engagement approach to mitigate the identified project risks. This included the appointment of architectural and M&E supply chain partners and a clear definition of responsibilities between all organisations.
Investigating site data
Project Centre identified the need for various site investigations to inform the design. In collaboration with the client and stakeholders, we scoped, planned, and carried out the site investigations to optimise the data collected while minimising disruptions to business operations.
The design phase
Project Centre’s structural design features an integral reinforced concrete frame on piled foundations, built around the retained rear wall of the structure. Close coordination with our design partners was essential to restore the brick façade and maintain the current appearance whilst creating a serviced, flexible open internal space that complies with modern building standards.
Project Centre also specified arch infilling and repairs to smaller arches at the east of the scheme and modifications to a private steel footbridge. Project Centre deliverables include a fully detailed design package, Site Information and Works Information for construction.
We also fulfilled the Principal Designer role under the CDM regulations to coordinate health and safety in the pre-construction phase and undertake design risk identification and mitigation. A clear understanding of buildability constraints and operational requirements was key to developing a safe design.

Project Centre considered environmental, social, and economic factors throughout this project in the design approach and selection of a sustainable, durable, and maintainable solution. We were also responsible for developing a build sequence that minimised disruption while considering site logistics and public user group requirements at all construction stages. This included determining suitable site extents and developing temporary diversion routes for cyclists and pedestrians.
In addition to delivering the design, Project Centre supported BHCC with developing a business case to secure funding for the construction stage.
Project Centre’s collaborative approach with the client, stakeholders, and supply chain has been key to the successful delivery of a high-quality design solution that exceeds the project requirements. Our proactive approach towards risk management has ensured the successful delivery and resilience of the project.
Through applying our design expertise, effective project management, and supply chain coordination, we produced a sustainable, safe, buildable design whilst mitigating project risk and disruption.
“Project Centre’s technical and managerial abilities have been essential in delivering this complex multidisciplinary scheme and assisting Brighton & Hove with coordinating multiple stakeholders and requirements to successfully meet the project brief.“
Brighton and Hove Council
Speak to the team: Enquiries – Marston Holdings